Thursday, March 29, 2012

    Where are the disciples?

      Our churches are experiencing a famine of disciples. For decades we have emphasized conversion (Jesus never emphasized that or commanded it), saying the “sinners prayer” (where in the Bible is that?!). We have structured our services to attract “seekers” and toned down our teaching to be palatable to those whose hearts are dark.
     People responded to a message that said that following Christ simplified life and insured it would be easier and more prosperous. They were won with methods that made them “spectators” sitting back for the big show on Sunday. It fit in with our strip mall shopping culture. When things begin to lose the “zing” they like or become too challenging off they go to another church to “have their needs met”.
     This has been in place for so long that now we are beginning to see the dire consequences of emphasizing conversion over discipleship (Jesus commanded us to go make disciples, not converts). Neither adults nor youth are able to clearly explain let alone defend their faith. Less than 15% of evangelicals have a Biblical worldview. The situation among our youth is incredibly bad. They are leaving our churches in droves. Fewer than .6% who have grown up in our churches, attended our Sunday schools, our youth groups, have a Biblical worldview. They are unable to articulate what they believe.
     We have turned following Christ into merely hearing about Him. Faith is a verb! It should be faithing…something we DO not something we posses. Those who are faithing are actively involved in studying the Bible to learn of their Lord and His expectations on how they are to live; they are actively pursuing sanctification (Christ transforming them, delivering them from sin, and making them more holy); they are actively praying intercessory prayers for their friends, neighbors and community; they are actively sharing the Gospel where ever they go; they are actively serving their communities, seeking to bring healing, reconciliation, and hope.
     We have churches full of dead bones. Saying the sinner’s prayer does not get you into heaven. If there is no fruit of repentance, if there is no change of life…conversion is suspect.
     An emphasis upon discipleship addresses these problems because the message is to follow Jesus. Disciples are learners, disciples are action oriented, disciples seek to discipline their lives in obedience to Christ’s teachings, service is natural for disciples, disciples embrace hardship for the cause of Christ. Disciples place following Christ as the organizing principle of their life, taking precedence over every other desire, ambition or goal.
     Disciples in our churches are few. Where are the disciples?

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